Monday, March 1, 2010

In Spite of Ourselves...

This month I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage to my best friend/arch nemisis.  He is turning out to be a better man than I ever thought he could be.  In recanting our first meeting, my husband informed me that he thought my best friend, Laura and I were a couple of bitches.  Hot bitches, of course, but bitches nonetheless.  My husband and I were a hot mess when we first got together, and sometimes we still are, but have learned to roll with it and not to take anything too seriously.  We share a most excellent country life together that I never would have pictured myself in, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  One thing I've learned in being married to my husband is that if you don't have bad intentions, you can't go wrong.  Oh, and to expect the unexpected.  He has turned my life into quite the ride.  In celebration of our "wuv...twoo wuv", I give you our song.  Enjoy!

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